“In The Meantime” is a collection (ITMC) of 50 NFT abstract digital paintings that set the base for “soon to come” products similar to the ITMC, to be sold on some of the well-known e-commerce platforms.
The collection is based on variations of 12 different bodies and combinations of colors. Like any abstract, each piece lets you picture something based on memories, experience, your personal way of picturing reality.
The “ITMC” style inspires anyone to create a piece of “art” without any fixed rules other than imagination to represent an object, a movement, or an idea through a flow of lines, signs, and a combination of colors. Or simply relax painting freely with no idea other than only casualty.
Out of curiosity, the #S1-01, the first piece of the collection, has been drafted while waiting for a coffee, that’s why the name of the collection.

The Traits
The collection has 8 Traits.
- The Body
- The Background.
- The Foreground Colour Tone Mix: Number of colors, shades and tones in the NFT.
- The Main Body Color Tone: Color tone of the main brushstrokes.
- The Medium Body Color Tone: Color tone of the medium brushstrokes.
- The Medium Body Color Tone: Color tone of the medium brushstrokes.
- The Minor Body Color Tone: Color tone of the minor/smaller brushstrokes.
- The Minor Body Leafs Color Tone: Color tone of the small leafs within other body brushstrokes.
- The Blended Sign: You may wat to find out on your own :-).

The Road Map
ColoPaletteSpace wants to use the collection design to be sold on the well-know e-commerce platform as Painting but also other products like Clothes and Accessories. For this purpose other similar digital artwork will be produced, but with the same “In The Meantime” collection style.
We want to build a new Brand, make it “recognizable” and increase the value of any product related to it.
March 2022
Collection Published on Opensea.
Money raised will be used for advertisement of the stores.
Join to Redbubble Store.
Join to Fine Art America Store.
Join to Etsy Store.
Join to Amazon Store.
New “In The Meantime” Collection.
New adventures to come. Stay Tuned!